Note that those tools weren't tested, so they might not work. Super Mario Galaxy 1/2: Kuribo64 (board) - Whitehole.Pokémon Black & White: Pokécommunity (board) - Some tools.New Super Mario Brothers: The NSMB Hacking Domain (board) - NSMBe.
Mario Kart DS: Mario Kart Course Modifier (requires Autodesk Maya 5, 6, or 7, which isn't free software) - Tutorial.Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventures: EFSAdvent.Pokémon (General): Pokécommunity (board) - Tools (external forum) - Some RSE tools - Elite Map - Advance Text / OverworldEditor - Rebirth Edition - iconED - PokemonAmp - Advance Attack - Advance Mart - Advance Starter - IntroED.Metroid Fusion / Metroid Zero Mission: DoubleHelix.Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga: Yoshi Magic.Zelda: OoT / MM: z64porter (rest is down).Super Mario 64: Jul (board) - Toad's Tool 64 - Mario 64 Level Importer - mml2m64 - MusicXML - M64 ROM Extender - M64Tool.GoldenEye: 007 Face Mapper - ROM Editor.Banjo Kazooie: Text Editor - Banjo Kazooie N&B Vehicle Editor.StH 1 / StH 2 / StH 3 / S&K / Sonic Crackers: SonMapEd.Sonic the Hedgehog 2: Esrael Sonic Editor 2.Sonic the Hedgehog: SonED - Esrael Sonic Editor.Sonic (General): Sonic Retro (board) - Sonic Hacking Utilities.Zelda - A Link to the Past: zcompress - Zelda Script Editor - Hyrule Magic.Super Mario World: Tools link on this website.Super Mario Kart: Track Designer - Epic Edit - MAKE - mKedit.Harvest Moon: HME - HME Dialogue Editor.Final Fantasy 3: Sprite Editor - Multi Editor - Shop Editor - Sprite Editor - Weapon Tool - US Editor Hack - Mac Thing.Final Fantasy 2/4: ff4h SRAM Hacker - FF4kster.Earthbound: EarthBound Map Editor - EarthBound Sprite Editor - EarthBound Store Editor - PK Hack - Don't Care Editor and EB Text Compressor.Donkey Kong Country: Donkey Kong Country Resource Editor.Chrono Trigger: Shop Keeper - Item Name Editor - Crone - CTENED - Gears - Temporal Flux.Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) Pokémon: Pokécommunity (board) - Tools (external forum) - Also some tools (external forum) - G2Map.3: Reuben (useless, look below) - Mario Improvement 3 - SMB3 Discombobulator - Map Editor - Vegas - SMB3 Workshop 2: SMB2 Discombobulator - SMB2 Transmogrificator